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迈格森2018“Can You Guess”活动正式开启!

作者:赟 来源:迈格森国际教育
I hope my children are more brave,I hope my children are more interested in English,I hope my children are more good at expressing,I hope...
迈格森国际教育,Can You Guess活动
迈格森国际教育蓄(筹)谋(备)已久的“Can You Guess我来比划你来猜”互动竞猜活动终于开始啦!为了培养具有优异学术能力、独立思考能力和全球公民素养的青少英才,小迈和各位老师们也是拼了!
Migson International Education's long-awaited"Can You Guess I'll draw you guess"interactive guessing campaign has finally begun!In order to cultivate young and talented people with excellent academic ability,independent thinking ability and global citizenship,Xiao Mai and all the teachers are also fighting together!
“Can You Guess我来比划你来猜”活动集结了北京、天津、沈阳、成都、重庆、广州全国六大城市38家校区的上千名学员共同参与,大家一起来挑战吧!
"Can You Guess I'll draw you guess"gathered thousands of students from 38 campuses in six big cities of Beijing,Tianjin,Shenyang,Chengdu,Chongqing and Guangzhou.Let's challenge together.
迈格森国际教育,Can You Guess活动
有位名人曾经说过,我们发现了儿童有表现力,认识了儿童有表现力,就须进一步把儿童的表现力解放出来。而此次活动的目的也正是如此!“Can You Guess我来比划你来猜”活动以趣味英语为主,学员们通过表演的形式,将内心的英文词句的理解靠肢体表现展示给大家。
A celebrity once said,we found that children have expressiveness,understanding children have expressiveness,we need to further liberate children's expressiveness.And the purpose of the event is exactly the same."Can You Guess I'll draw you guess"activity is based on fun English,students through the form of performances,the heart of the English words and phrases understanding by physical expression to show everyone.
迈格森国际教育,Can You Guess活动
In this process,children can not only develop interest in English learning,but also stimulate their potential ability to express,promote language ability,and at the same time constantly enhance their self-confidence,have the ability to dialogue with the world.So Migson set up a big stage for students to express themselves in English,quickly find your teacher to participate in the challenge,Xiao Mai looks forward to each student's show!
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